Up-to-date information on our parish, our news, our activities, and our services can all be found on the website glencairnparish.co.uk. Some outline information on the church buildings within the community is given below.
We may not be the biggest church around, and maybe we are not the brightest or the best – maybe – but our hope is that we offer a positive way of life through Jesus, such that others will be attracted to Christ as we allow his light to shine, and that somewhere and somehow, we will make a difference in the community.
Glencairn Church, Kirkland

Glencairn Church, Kirkland
The two churches of Glencairn & Moniaive Parish look very different, both inside and out. Glencairn Kirk is the Parish church, this particular building being built in 1836, but previous buildings date back to the twelfth century. The gable ends of this Kirk still standing in the Kirkyard. The site of the Church is said to be where St Cuthbert visited and worshipped in the seventh century. The church that stands there today has had major restoration work done on stonework, the roof, the pinnacles and the bell tower.
Much of the money for this was raised locally, but we also received large grants from Historic Scotland, The Scottish Churches Architectural Heritage Trust, the Baird Trust, and Solway Heritage.
The bell tower was completed, and after many years lying redundant, the bell was rehung in time to ring in the year 2000. The two main coloured glass windows on the south elevation have been refurbished in recent years, and there is a programme of repairs on the others. The newer of these was completed in 2007. It is the work of a local craftsman, Gordon Fraser Black, and local artist, Freda Blackwood.
We are looking now to the future, and to ongoing renovation required inside. Glencairn Kirk continues to be a popular venue for musical performances for which we plan to make improvements.
Saint Ninian’s, North Street

Saint Ninians, North St, Moniaive
St Ninian’s Church was built as a mission hall in 1887 and lies in the centre of the village. It is used as the principal church in the parish.
The building offers a very adaptable space where we can worship, socialise, have sales and fund raisers, and have meetings. It is also widely used by other groups in the community, and as a venue for concerts and other entertainments.
Recent improvements have included energy-efficient lighting and heating, a new sound system, additional car parking space, and an all-abilities access at the front.