The History Group was set up to research the history and heritage of our Parish and make this available to anyone with an interest in Glencairn. The aim is create a local resource, for storing and presenting documents and artefacts. We are interested in all aspects of the Parish’s past; from the more distant to the most recent, from the marvellous to the mundane.
Our interests combine history and heritage. History is a record of the events that made up the daily lives of our ancestors. This includes the behaviour of Shepherds as much as the actions of Kings. Heritage is the physical and cultural evidence left by those predecessors. This includes ancient speech patterns as well as historic buildings. The group was set up to identify, research and preserve as much of Glencairn’s History and Heritage as is possible.
Local History Day October 24th 2009
An opportunity to celebrate the parish’s past. A series of displays in the Memorial Institute including Religion and Romans, Architecture and Agriculture, Education and Entertainment, Fashion and Family, History, Commerce and Conflict. Photographs, objects and documents will be on display. Raffle and children’s ‘Treasure Island’ competition. Also a talk by Harry Ward on golfing history and documentary evidence of defunct local courses including the course in Moniaive and one at Maxwelton House.
The Group meets in Moniaive Memorial Institute at 7.30pm on the first Thursday of each month, with a short summer break. We have a programme of guest speakers throughout the year mostly during the winter months).
Members share their finds with others,discuss local history,decide on Group projects and plan the calendar. We try to accommodate everyone’s interests and welcome suggestions from the community.The Group also participates in parish events such as Moniaive Gala Week and provides material for displays and exhibitions.
Group projects vary according to members and available funds. We organised Home Front Day as a celebration of life in Glencairn at the end of World War 2. Moniave was filled with the sights and sounds of 1945 as people wore period clothes for the day and danced to the music of Glen Miller in the evening.

VE Day Bakery
Children queued for rationed sweets, shops had wartime window displays, there were uniformed servicemen (and women)and army lorries, including a radio truck parked in the High Street.
We participated in an archaeological dig on Martour Hill which uncovered the site of a remarkable fortified farmstead.This was part of a larger project by Cairnhead Community Forest Trust and it gave group members the opportunity to learn practical skills while the site was painstakingly recorded and excavated. It was also great fun.
Our research based projects include a history of the Memorial Institute and the Parish School system. Information is collected with a view to producing an exhibition or a pamphlet on the subject. We acquire original photographs and documents where we can and copy others. People donate objects to us, some of which are displayed in the History Group’s display cabinet in the Memorial Institute. Our research takes us through the whole of the history of Glencairn, with the aim of recording as much of it as possible. We take the view that history includes yesterday as well as a thousand years ago.

VE Day Vehicle
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the local history of Glencairn. Annual Subscriptions: Single £5, Couple/Family £8, Overseas £10 payable in March. For further information: Bob Martin, Chair, Moniaive History Group, Stables Cottage, Barjarg Tower, Auldgirth, Dumfries DG2 0TN Telephone 07772 877 443 Email