Glencairn Community Council – Last Month Papers

Public Consultation Meeting Windfarm Allocation Issues

ANCBC Applications

John Corrie Garden

Glencairn Reimagined

Community Council Planters

Public Consultation Meeting Windfarm Allocation Issues

Monday 26th November 7.30pm

It should be noted that attendance at this meeting was not large. However those who were there were a diverse group and discussion was wide-ranging and lively.


  • To seek and identify areas of consensus
  • To make sure that all points of view were noted
  • To identify problems in the process, current and potential
  • To identify areas of disagreement
  • To identify current good practice
  • To propose good practice for the future


  • Structured group discussions making notes on a flip chart.
  • Change group members to further discussions.
  • Area for individual comments using post-its.


Current Good Practice

Open meetings for both allocation and pre-allocation process

Pre-allocation meetings to verify applications

Post allocation report in the gazette for all recipients

Proven track record in allocation of funds

The process evolves if required

Bodies applying to fund are constituted and have bank accounts

Most members of the Community Council are up to speed with procedures

There are application forms to complete and guidelines go out with applications

A feed back form is issued

No retrospective applications are accepted

Application is restricted to the parish.

There was strong agreement on these issues in the groups.

Legacy Fund

There should be a legacy fund

Differences of opinion as to how much should go to the legacy fund ranging from 30% to 50% to 75% to 100% To 40% to legacy fund

Review policy every 3 years

100% Community Council support on policy change

No proper criteria – definition

For a legacy fund we need to identify what is a “legacy”

(ie a project already exists in community – to make it sustainable)


Current funds already contribute to legacy projects (eg Playcare with a knock on effect on the school)

It should have a separate bank account

The funds should be ring-fenced

Invest – do not spend (10 years?)

These points were made in this section but properly belong in good practice section

No missing documentation should be accepted after deadline

Incomplete applications should be returned for resubmission at next term

Feedback required for further applications

Good practice for the future

Open transparency

Declare conflict of interest

Communication and involvement in the community by the community


All community councillors should be up to speed with procedures

Definition of legacy fund

Clear criteria

Review the legacy fund every 3 years

Feedback forms are closely monitored and implemented (ie receipts etc)

Businesses are not directly supported for personal gain

Make sure whole community benefits

Regular and on-going analysis of funds

Plan for when no funds are coming in

Get up to date with agreement with SPR

Applications should have a constitution

Ease of access/user friendly/meeting environment/application should speak for itself/applications should be introduced by community council

Ringfence funds for annual projects eg evergreen requirements, Christmas party

No missing documentation should be accepted after deadline

Incomplete applications should be returned for resubmission at next term

Feedback required for further applications

Further points from post-its


Public notifications of meetings

We need a wider range of members of the community


Recommended Good Practice






General Points

Eco-home for elderly and respite care with strong links to pre-school

Build up the legacy fund to have a major legacy project (ie care home for elderly)

Combining resources and expertise


Clear criteria for a legacy fund

50% of funds for the legacy fund

Legacy fund to be issued every 3 years

Need to build better relations with community to encourage attendance at meetings

Major Issues arising

There is strong consensus that the process should be and is transparent in terms of allocation and reporting

There is consensus that there should be a legacy fund.

There is no consensus on its definition, quantification or operation.

It is probably impossible to meet everyone’s wishes in this area.

We need to establish clear criteria and procedures in this area

Collaboration and communication were important issues arising

We have already identified some areas of communication for development, which we can begin to take forward.

  • An easily accessible website which is regularly updated with all minutes, agendas and other information of public interest.
  • More use of the gazette, which reaches every household

We need to see how we can work effectively in collaboration with other organisations such as Moniaive Initiative to try to deliver some of the legacy projects, which people aspire to

There was fairly strong feeling that the process of application was a bit daunting and could be made more user-friendly.

We need to revisit the process. Is it necessary to have the applicant present their own case. Can the application speak for itself? Could a community councillor do that if the applicant does not wish to speak? Could all queries be addressed in advance privately? Are there issues of transparency.



John Corrie Garden

Application to ANCBC Fund

At the AGM in September a number of people agreed to become committee members for the John Corrie Garden, to identify work that needed to be done in the garden and to coordinate volunteers to carry out this work. A number of trees near the electricity lines had recently been removed, leaving an open area near the entrance to the garden. It was agreed that this was an ideal opportunity to update the planting and maintenance plan for the garden. By the end of October pathways had been made clearer using logs and wood chip from the felled trees and further planting was agreed.

As the John Corrie Garden is an asset made available to the community, it was agreed that we would start to publicise the garden more actively, to encourage people to come and enjoy it throughout the year. It was felt that by actively encouraging people to do this, it would be necessary to have public liability insurance in place in case of any accidents that might occur. Fundraising for the garden covers the cost of birdfood in the bird feeders, some planting and maintenance, and publicity materials but cannot meet the costs of the liability insurance without which we are unable to progress any plans to increase the community’s appreciation and use of the Garden.

The three insurance quotes attached vary considerably. We feel that the cheapest quote from MG Underwriting of £147 (including broker’s fee of £15) would be suitable, and hope that you will consider this application at the next meeting of the Community Council.

Yours faithfully Sally Hughes

John Corrie Garden committee

Glencairn Reimagined

Application to ANCBC

c/o Chair Mrs Jackie Lee,



16th November, 2018

Mrs Moira McCrossan,


Glencairn Community Council,

Chapel Street,


Dear Moira,



On behalf of Glencairn Reimagined, I hereby make an application to the ANCBC Fund.

Glencairn Reimagined would like to apply for £500 towards core funding for our project.  The core funding would be for the general day to day running of the project and to undertake future consultations with the Community.

The project is in its very early stages and the funds would assist us in progressing forward.  The group are all volunteers who have dedicated many hours and also funded the project to date.

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Jackie Lee


Community Council ANCBC application

November 20th 2018

Please reply in this instance to: Secretary Sue Grant Seaforth Chapel Street Moniaive DG3 4EJ Email:

Dear Community Councillors

I would like to apply, on behalf of Glencairn Community Council, for the sum of £500 from the 2018/19 ANCBC fund for the purchase and upkeep of new planters for the village.

Currently we have a number of planters in the village which were purchased many years ago by Sharon Henshall. Some of these planters have now reached the end of their life. One on the High Street recently collapsed and had to be removed.

The state of the village planters has been raised at CC meetings and I feel that this winter would be an ideal time to replace those beyond repair.

I have sourced a 40 x 40 x 40mm plastic ‘wood effect’ square planters from Homebase for £19.88 each. I am sure there are many other deals out there as well.

Purchasing the new planters and a selection spring bulbs would give us a good start to the new year, tidy up the village and allow us time to arrange sponsorship and adoption of the new planters.

The ANCBC Fund allows for community council to apply for these funds and encourages grants for community benefit. Thank you for your consideration.

Sue Grant
on behalf of Glencairn Community Council