Meeting 7.30pm Monday 12th November 2018
1. Sederunt: Chair Moira McCrossan (MM), Sec Sue Grant (SG), Scott McMillan (SM), Treasurer John Ferguson (JF), Vice chair Jimmy Mensdorf (JM), Marcus Hogan (MH), Robin Edgar (RE),
Members of public: Mrs Fletcher, Fiona McMillan, Sheena Plant, John Plant, Moira McKerlie, Gordon Donald, Lindsay Dunse, Margaret Gillies
Councillors: Cllr Andrew Woods Apologies: Georgia Watson
2. Reports
2. 1 Police report no police in attendance
2.2 Treasurers Report. JF gave report (on file) and confirmed that agreed outstanding ANCBC grants could be paid out on receipt of cheque book or via BACS. Windfarm monies as yet not received from SPR who are awaiting ratification of constitution from D&G Council. Action: Cllr Woods to chase up this process.
Discussion on minute taking followed. Decision: Chair confirmed minutes would reflect decisions only and not details of discussion unless speaker requested their point be minuted.
Examined accounts of 2017/18 (held over from AGM) had now been signed off by Mr Rodan were therefore adopted and signed by meeting.
2.3 Resilience. Update from S. Maxwell (on file). Noted that heated box for defibrillator now on outside wall of Memorial Institute. Members of the public requested confirmation on who was responsible and reiterated location should be on placed on database. Secretary noted these points had already been raised, agreed and minuted at last meeting. Decision: Secretary to prepare notices for community informing them of new location and to add to location database website. All agreed box to be left unlocked for ease of use in an emergency.
2.4 Cllr Woods noted that CC’s would be encouraged to participate in council budget deliberations. Agreed: Cllr Woods to be added to minute/agenda mailing list.
3. Minutes
Approval Monday 1st October: Proposed by Sue Grant and seconded Jimmy Mensdorf. Approval minutes 8th October: Proposed by John Ferguson and seconded by Scott McMillan
4. Matters Arising
4,1 CCES. Drains at Craignee Cottage and Red Cottage. Member of public reported that Craignee drain had been improved. Secretary had mistakenly indicated problem at Yellow Cottage (rather than Red). Action: Secretary to inform council of name error.
4.2 Grit bin at clocktower; Sec reported that Alasdair McLean had already reported damage twice to council. Decision CC would follow up and suggest relocation of repaired bin to possibly outside the toilet block or by bus stop. CC members to check all bins for waterlogging and grit levels.
4.3 Potholes and issues: Decision: CC to report potholes at Crawfordton Farm road end (and drainage). Blocked drain at Brae. Pothole on back road off Clone by Maxwellton Chapel.
4.4 Transport survey. Chair noted deadline of this Friday, discussion as to issues to be raised. Decision: to include lack of buses and support for re-opening Thornhill Station. Moira, John, Jimmy and Marcus to form group and meet prior to deadline to firm up and submit CC response.
5. Business
5.1 Windfarm fund discussion meeting. Decision: to hold discussion 26th November 7.30pm in Institute. No decisions to be taken but an open and frank discussion of ideas to take the fund forward.
5.2 Surgery. Due to time constraints a short report from Marcus indicated success of surgery. Action: List of ‘issues’ raised to be circulated to CC members and any not yet discussed to be added to future agenda.
Decision: To add contact details of all CC members to noticeboard and council website.
5.3 OAP Party. Discussion and firming up of outstanding matters.
5.4 Flood forum date set for 24th November.
5.5 Car Park. JF still working with council and will inform of date for working party soonest.
5.6. Bank Signatories: All sorted.
5.7 Discretionary Grant. Paperwork passed to JF for completion.
5.8 Scottish power crane. SG informed meeting that a large 500 tonne crane was required at Wether Hill for repairs and that SP would be bringing the crane through the village. As a courtesy they have informed the CC.
Decision: Sec to ask SP to: 1. Inform the police. 2. Consider bringing vehicle through early morning or evening to minimise disruption. 3. Inform the CC of agreed date and time to allow notices to be put up in community.
4. Suggest SP may want to inform residents to move cars from along route. 5. Confirm D&G roads dept are happy with weight of vehicle and route.
5.9. Charging points. Decision to invite Peter Charlesworth to December meeting to make presentation.
6. Windfarm matters
6.1 ANCBC Form: Agreed to nominate Sue Grant and John Ferguson**
6.2 Cornharrow. After enquiries it was confirmed that GCC are statutory body and so have until January to comment. Decision: Move to December agenda for agreed response.
6.3 Troston Open day No report.
6.4 ANCBC cheque. JF confirmed cheque for £2,000 received and banked.
6.5 ANCBC Application. SG asked for expected application to be placed on December agenda. Discussion re advertising fund from public followed. Decision: Sue Grant proposed placing notices on noticeboard declaring this year’s fund open. Agreed.
6.6 Kendoon/Tongland connection. Letter received for information.
6.7 Stroanshalloch. Letter received confirming withdrawal of proposed windfarm.
Fiona McMillan asked that Planning be placed on agendas. SG confirmed no planning notices had been received.
Decision: Cllr Woods be asked to chase up and have GCC replaced on mailing list. John Ferguson asked that a CC website proposal be placed on next agenda.
Meeting ended 9.05pm.
Meeting chaired by Moira McCrossan.
Minutes taken by Sue Grant.
Minutes amended by Sue Grant after representations received.
** (6.1) At end of meeting Secretary noticed form was out of date and not needed.
NEXT MEETINGS: Monday November 26th 7.30pm GMI.
To discuss the windfarm fund legacy and general criteria
GCC meeting Monday 3rd December 7.30pm GMI.