Glencairn Community Council – Last Month Agenda

Meeting 7.30pm Monday December 3rd 2018

*Note: AOCB must be notified to the Chair prior to the start of the meeting.

  1. Sederunt and Apologies
  2. Reports
  3. Police Report
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. Resilience report/Flood forum
  6. Peter Charlesworth – charging points
  7. Minutes
  8. Approval of minutes of meeting Monday 12th November 2018
  9. Matters arising
  10. Signing of new constitution
  11. CCES
  12. Business
  13. Flower tubs (see 6.2)
  14. Salt bins
  15. Christmas tree
  16. Clock winding/bins payments
  17. Surgery matters:
    1. Hospital/other transport
    2. Survey results
    3. Drug misuse/dealing
    4. Institute draw
    5. Trailers in car park
    6. Glencairn church uses
    7. Swimming pool
    8. Unauthorised payments by GCC and accounts 2016/financial questions
    9. High Street
    10. Community website
    11. Community newsletter
    12. First responders
    13. Minutes Wallaceton/Kirkland

6.Windfarm Matters

  1. ANCBC application Glencairn Revisited
  2. ANCBC application GCC
  3. ANCBC application John Corrie Wildlife Garden
  4. Legacy/windfarm fund meeting update/report
  5. Cornharrow response
  6. Planning
  7. Correspondence
  8. AOCB*


GCC meeting January 7th 2019 7.30pm.